The Hidden power of spirituality to change your life..

4 min readOct 15, 2023


How the journey inward can help you excelling everything you do.

Photo by Harry Cunningham on Unsplash

Life is a journey of exploration where finding your true purpose in order to survive and thrive is very important. We often come across topics like To achieve happiness we must do something that holds our interest or finding your passion is the key to success. but, Is it really that easy to find your interest? Probably Not, Because in this chaotic world where everybody is in a race to achieve something or to earn a million dollars in the least possible time just seems to be an end goal of life. And there comes you who wants to do something that your heart strives for, but the societal or mental pressure is holding you back to go ahead for that unwealthy option. I know, sometimes the race of becoming something and following your heart at the same time can be a bit tricky and will ultimately confuse you for choosing the correct path. But, Don’t worry I can tell you a secret that holds the power of changing your whole Reality.

Since my childhood, I’ve been taught to respect the religion and the gods who gave us this life. And with the growing age, I became a very spiritual and religious person who probably loves god more than anything. Now, If you’re reading this and you don’t believe in the concept of Religion or Gods, Then Just stick to it, I have a better advice for you.

Firstly, We must understand that religion and spirituality are way more different concepts and both of them holds a very unique meaning. Spirituality is a practice to focus on your inner self and understand this life from a deep and inward perspective. Meanwhile, Religion is believing in the supreme creator and having faith on the Almighty lord. Now, Most of the individuals find the concept of Spirituality to be a little bit Hectic that’s why they just simply become an Atheist. Although, When you start having faith in lord and do the chanting process you somewhere become a lot more calmer and focused in your practical lives too Resulting in the ultimate practice of spiritual concepts i.e, Yoga, Meditation, Gratitude etc. But, The problem arises for those people who are non believer of God.

If you Just simply don’t believe in the hidden powers of religion then spirituality is the only way for you to attain inner and outer happiness. with the help of soothing concepts like Yoga, Meditation, Gratitude, Breathing and Simple living you can develop a habit of happiness and satisfaction. It’s very simple for every Theist who doesn’t wants to beleive in any invisible energy and would like to Unfold the meaning of life with his own will.

The Power of Spiritualty is very vast and can help you in any of the activities you do. Wheather its just focusing on your daily tasks, Adopting the habit of self love, Living the present moments in a best possible way or Just simply enjoying any hobby. When you practice the models of spirituality the healing takes place by itself. You will suddenly see a change in your daily routine and will feel even more refreshed and Present. Now, The main question arises as How Spirituality can help us discovering our passion?

When you practice Yoga or any other mindful activity your Brain releases all the stress and pressure and helps you in clearing your thoughts. With a clear mind who’s not focusing on anything stupid like consuming unecessary social media content, Watching a new series or just scrolling down on phone is very much helpful and will help you in deciding among the options available in your career. For Instance, If you want to become a Writer then by just simply reading books and consuming a lot of literary content won’t take you to the journey of words. Instead what you have to do is to just open your laptop and start writing some blogs or anything that excites and can help you in achieving that lively dream.

But, In today’s time we all have goal and dream to accomplish but just can’t decide where to start from. I think there can’t be a better time than NOW to start what you dream about. If your heart takes you to the same thought again and again then please follow it and give that option a chance. No matter you succeed or fail, Every Result will teach you something. Always Remember that in this life nothing is lost.

Spiritualty can help you discover the true purpose of your life and will nurturing the best version of yourself. The Meaning of Life is hidden in you and you are the only one who can discover. It doesn’t matter how may times you loose, Feel disheartened or Lost you just have to contain those special energies within you that will guide in every difficult sitaution. By Focusing on Calmness and Simplicity you will ultimately detach yourself from the end results and will surely feel contained and happy in every little task.


This life is very short, You never know which is your last day. And wasting these counting days is not really fair from a universal perspective. so, Just Focus on developing yourself into a Good Human who can uplift others and Is a kind hearted person. And this can only happen when you’ve understood the depth and real meaning of life. Becoming a Mindful person takes time but once you are on the path of Self discovery nothing can stop in becoming your dream version.




I am a professional book blogger and an avid reader. Serving with over 100+ Authors, readingcrunch is a platform for all visionary writers and book lovers.