Miraculous Phrases By Japjot Kang — Book Review

2 min readApr 1, 2024


A Short yet effective book on developing Contented Mindset.

Book Title — Miraculous Phrases

Author — Japjot Kang

No. of pages — 48

Amazon book link https://www.amazon.in/Miraculous-Phrases-Untold-Instant-Happiness-ebook/dp/B0CQVPJ235/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1G1U4YLVG2ZNQ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.YFSzoj8rbOgF7kBAfuRA3nbmlf-E3zGtecNnehzlTcQWQab2ZxZlKcpCvzM9bDdQvMcoGPft5VFO5lpmw9l3jYVK3cMmFt5MxHCOwMw6sqU.sf4eNt4e55tVj5sDodeSF36QFc0End2tDkgUL__i3GY&dib_tag=se&keywords=miraculous+phrases&qid=1711955814&sprefix=miracolous+ph%2Caps%2C268&sr=8-1

Book Review —

Miraculous Phrases by Japjot kang delves into the thought provoking realms of Self-discovery, Inner peace and self-belief. The book is divided into 11 Significant lessons that deliver an impactful message of believing in yourself and creating a life of your own desire.

With Kang’s seven Miraculous phrases, one can nurture their real personalities which in turn will certainly help them to realize their true potential and use it wisely. There are various refreshing concepts introduced through the book which make this short self-development book a must read for everyone.

In the beginning, The author takes us on a positive ride of adopting a child-like mentality and enjoying every little moment of our lives. Furthermore, he delves into different kinds of human psychologies, presenting the way we behave with ourselves and with others.

The inclusion of high energy words into our daily lives and surrounding ourselves with people who are our energy boosters and well wishers are the significant deliverables of the middle part of the book.

With the proceeding end, he focuses on the importance of having a positive perception and having an empowering belief to convert it into our reality.

Conclusion —

Overall, Miraculous Phrases is a motivational self-development book that takes readers on a promising expedition of exploring various potential areas of their personalities which will help them in enhancing a positive outlook towards everything. Kang’s spirited writing style and his ability to look into general human nature is very impressive. Lucid Language, Effective methods and Inspirational quotes are the major impactful points of this book.

In conclusion, I will highly recommend this captivating yet deep book to all those readers who are looking for a practical guide to balance their inner selves and develop their best versions.

Rating — 5/5




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